Saturday, June 2, 2012

On the Road Again...

So this is going to be a pretty long post and I’m sorry I haven’t updated in awhile, it’s been crazy moving and everything.  But here are some photos and chronicles of the passed couple of days

(After some very careful packing and planning Wes and I were able to get all of our stuff in a 14ft U-Haul, with my car in tow.  We wouldn’t have been able to do it without my Mom and Dad, thanks you two!  And you better believe that thing was packed to the top!

(Pack up day was also my mother’s 30th birthday;) Wes brought her flowers and my Dad and I bought her Lady Antebellum tickets!  But in true Rebecca fashion, she guessed what it was before she even opened up the card.  We’ll try again next year Dad!)

(The next day, Thursday, Wes and I set out at 8:00am for Milwaukee Wisconsin.  It was about a 12 hour drive and Wes drove the whole way!  I read 5 magazines and took 3 naps.  
What a great boyfriend I have.)

  We stopped at Lambert’s some where in the middle of nowhere to have some “throwed rolls”.  Wes fell in love with the fried okra and we were both in a food coma after our meal.  This is a photo of the leftovers from the meal that we split.  Isn’t that crazy?!?)

(Wes and I had to drive through Chicago to get to Milwaukee so we stopped to grab some classic Chicago style deep-dish pizza.  We stopped at Giordano’s which was “right off the highway” as Wes claimed.  He was correct that it was right off the highway, right off the highway in downtown Chicago across the street from the Sears tower.  Just imagine Wes and I driving a 14ft U-Haul towing a car in downtown Chicago.)

We finally made it to Milwaukee around 10:30pm and checked in to a hotel just South of downtown.  Our movers were scheduled to meet us at 10:30am so we got to sleep in a little bit.  We headed out about 9:45am to pick up the keys to our new place!!

(Now let me just remind you that this is what our condo looked with when the previous owner was living here.)

(And this is with all of the boxes off of the moving truck.  I already think we’re a step ahead of the owners at this point and we’ve yet to begin!)

(At the end of the first day of unpacking!  The rug was chosen by Wes and came from that home decorating place behind U.S. Pizza in Bryant.  We got the couch from Junk and Disorderly and the tv stand from Antiques and Unique’s  during their Memorial Day sales!  The club chair I had from my last place, and the dining room table and chairs my parents gave to us.  Thanks again!)

(Here’s the lobster dinner I had at the Milwaukee Public Market.  It’s only $13.99 and they serve it every night of the week.  Wes had fried grouper.  And the best part is that it’s 3 blocks away and we could walk there and back.)

Today we spent the morning unpacking and maneuvering and doing all kinds of stuff to our place that didn’t make it look any more put together than it was before.  But to achieve order you must go through chaos… right?  It’s something like that I think.  I’ll post more photos of the place tomorrow once we clear out a few more of the boxes and get everything put in it’s place.  It’s a slow process, but at least I have Wes here for a few more days to help me out!

(Here’s the first meal that we “made” in our new place.  We walked downstairs and outside to the wine bar next door and grabbed a bottle and then made a turkey wrap with salsa!  How convenientJ)

Until next time…

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