Thursday, June 21, 2012


This week has been a whirl wind.  I can't believe it's Thursday already!! I'm picking up my friend Chris from the airport tomorrow night, and then headed to Chicago to meet Jessica and Janet on Saturday.  It's gonna be the most exciting weekend I've had yet that's for sure.

Last night I had my second meeting with my personal trainer, Alex.  He totally kicked my but.  I can barely walk today and definitely had trouble getting off the couch last night.  

Here's a look at some of the crafting/organizing/cool things I've been doing lately...

(A girls worst nightmare... floppy tall boots.)

(I got this idea off of Pinterest. (I feel like that's my life now)  but it is a really great idea!  I got these pool noodles on clearance at K-Mart (which I thought went bankrupt?) for $1.50 a piece.  I cut them into section about 14 inches long and...)

(Viola!  No more floppy boots!)

(I also went to Target last night. (I still had some money on my gift card from the Malcom's, so naturally I was dying to spend it.)  Wes and I have been needing a doormat for the condo, two actually.  I got these on clearance for $4.50 a piece and decided to monogram them myself...)

(It's not perfect, but I did free hand it.  The tape just wouldn't seem to stick to the mat.  I saw some very similar to this at TJMAXX this weekend for $15, so I think I got a little bargain.  I got two of them and I'm going to try and cursive monogram "RHW" on the other for the back door.)

(My sister booked her flight!!!! 
Jordan will officially be in Milwaukee on the 4th of July! 
I'm so very excited and can't wait to see her!!!)

Tonight is going to be full of cleaning the condo and Jazz in the Park with the other OLP's and Interns! 

Until next time..  

1 comment:

  1. Definitely saw the noodle thing on pinterest too! miss you! and i'm glad you won't be alone anymore for the 4th of July like you thought
