Wednesday, May 9, 2012

YOLO... Again?

My roommate Kathryn and I have been consuming queso at an extremely alarming rate.  We have officially had queso everyday for the past 9 days.  Do you know how much cheese that is?? If either of us just fall over and die, I'm pretty sure the autopsy report would read "Death by Queso."

Yesterday was filled with more packing, queso (obviously), and another 
great night at The Gates of North.  Here's a few highlights...

{DJ Kempster doing work on the tunes before we head out.}

{Who said 23 year olds can't bong a beer?  He's still in college for a few more days!
Also, this is the classic Luke Gandy face}
{The YOLO Crew out on the town once more. We missed you Reed and Brooke!!}

{Jessica seriously needs to open up a photo business just using the iPhone. 
 Love this picture of my girls!}

{Leah Whitney FINALLY turned 21 last night!!
She's been such a great friend to me over the past two years, I'm gonna miss her!}

{And Ashley Brouillard turned 22!!!
Ashley, Jessica, and Sammy at Mad Hatters looking flyyy}

In other news, Wes comes home today!! I'm so excited that he's going to be able to make it to my graduation.  His ship captain and mates actually played a prank on him by telling Wes he wouldn't be able to get off and he was going to have to email me to say he wouldn't be attending my graduation.  Good thing that was just a prank;)

{Wes and I at the Benjamin Knox Wine Depot a few weeks ago.
A night that we will all remember for some time to come.}

I guess I should start to pack. I graduate college in TWO DAYS!

Until next time...

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