Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Memorial Day Weekend

This Memorial Day weekend was awesome.  Wes and I hit up Riverfest and got to see Boyz II Men, Lynard Skynard, and Third Eye Blind!  We didn't make it to Snoop Dogg after the lake on Sunday because I am officially the color of a lobster, but that's okay.  I would have been mistaken for a blood when I am obviously a crip (like Snoop) and therefor would have been shot.  So I stayed home for my own safety and from sheer exhaustion.  

(So Wes and I are still looking for furniture for our new place.  We stopped by Another Man's Treasure to check some stuff out, we didn't find any furniture, but we did spot this 3 foot tall Sarah the Triceratops from Land Before Time.  I used to love those movies.  I re-watched them about 2 years ago, and they are actually realllyyy awful.  It's amazing what the mind chooses to remember.)

(Wes and I went with my parents to eat at Outback for my mom's birthday.  She's turning 100;))

(The Losers of shuffle board, Chelsy and Trevor.)

(I iced Wes at The Fountain on Friday.  
More bars need to carry Smirnoff so that I can do this more often:)) 

(Wes and I at Lynard Skynard on Saturday night.)

(Me, Chelsy, and Kimmy at the Third Eye Blind concert on Saturday night.  Such a good show, I'm so glad these two came to see it with me:))

(The Stumps return.  But have since seen their grave.  I'll have to try again with a "better stump" as my dad says.  Who knew there were good stumps and bad?

(At Dakota's lake house there was this little mutt puppy named Deer.  She was shot in the shoulder and had a cast put on.  When she sits on all fours errr.. threes, she does a Nazi style salute. Haha. 
She was cute.)

Until next time...

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Throw Back Thursday

This is a little tribute to my former career as a high school cheerleader.  All of my friends back home will die laughing when they see these photos, my college friends will wonder why my hair is so curly in these photos, and my mom will probably cry;)

Just to remind everyone this was a point when my friends and I used to tell each other things like...
"Pain is for the weak, and I am not weak." and
"Keep your eye on the prize" 

(The infamous maroon Benton Cheer Jacket.  
Can yall believe I considered not going to Texas A&M because they were maroon as well and I was already sick and tired of that color.  Hahaha.)

(Molly and I our Junior year after one of the football games.)

(This photo is from four years ago at the end of my Junior year.  Crazy how time flies!)

(Livi Meadors face in this photo is absolutely priceless.  I have seen this exact face so many times since then but it never gets old.)

(Camille, Chelsy, Kimmy, and I before we went to cheer camp Senior year.  
The phrase at the time was "Whoop that Jenks"  Don't worry... we did:))

(Don't worry yall.  We still got it!  One of my first Jr. High stunt groups.  Me, Christy, Kimmy, and Chelsy (who was taking the photo).  We're still  the bomb.com)

Oh high school.

Until next time...

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Finds and Projects

So the internet at my house, like many other things at my house, is a little bit in disarray, so I wasn't able to upload anything yesterday.  So sorry.  I know the rest of the world just stops turning when I can't update this blog;)

(My best doggy friend, forever & always, Abbie.)

(So this is a view of our garage right now.  That is mine and Wes's life... minus the pantry door;)  I'm slowly working through all of this to decide what we're taking to Milwaukee next week.)

(Today Molly and I went to run a bunch of errands I needed to finish in Little Rock.  We stopped by Francesca's and I picked up this super cute black leather side bag, these small, tan, patent flower earrings, and small gold flowers earrings with pearls in the center.  All three for under $20!)

(I also got these super cute bright green rain boots at Gap for $6.  That's right, six bucks.  
What a great find.)

(And these are my new projects.  I picked up three stumps on the side of the road and I'm planning on re-working them.  I'm going to turn this one into a white washed side table.)

(This one is going to be a side table for my outside patio area.)

(I think I might turn this into a planter.  Or.  Something.  
Or I'll roll it down my backyard and never see it again:))

Until next time...

Monday, May 21, 2012

Lazy Days of Summer

Since I am quickly approaching the point in my life where "summer break" does not actually exist.  I'm doing my best to do absolutely nothing with my time:)  

My parents are currently in the process of redoing the kitchen of our house.  That, combined with all of the stuff Wes and I had in Texas that we moved back here, plus our recent trip to Milwaukee, makes for a very cramped and crazy house on Azalea Circle.  

(When you don't have a kitchen this is what you eat for breakfast.  An apple, granola bar, and craisins.)

(Scout and Abbie were very excited to eat breakfast with me. We all learned that they do not like apples, granola bars, or craisins.  But not matter how many times you let them try it and not like it, they still want the next bite you're trying to put in your mouth. Gotta love dogs!)

One adventurous thing that I forgot to photograph was our pool time today.  Since neither I, Molly, nor Kimmy have a pool, and we really didn't want to lay out in the lawn with a sprinkler, we did what any group of girls would do... we snuck in to the neighbors back yard and sat in their pool:)

Kimmy came over for dinner, and my dad and I made fish tacos!

(Our yummy taco spread including: spicy slaw, creamy avocado dip, black beans, corn, 
tomatoes, and salsa.)

(And here's the finished product!  Super yummy dinner!)

Until next time...

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Home Sweet Home

All good vacations must come to an end.  It's just 2 short weeks till Wes and I will be making the drive back to Milwaukee with a truckload worth of stuff (and then some).  Sigh, the start of the end of life as I know it.

My mom and I took a very bumpy flight back to Arkansas this morning and I finished the weekend at Bosco's with the girls for dinner.

(Somehow my mom and I ended up with one more suitcase than we left with... guess we're good shoppers... something like that.  Oh, and did you notice the scissors and tape?  That's because we had to tape one shut because it split in the process of cramming everything in there.  But I did get some good crafting projects including two pairs of old levi's jeans that I'll be turning in to shorts.  Check back for photos of the projects!)

(One last airport breakfast for the trip!)

(At the airport it Chicago, the toilets in the women's bathrooms have a rotating liner on them.  You wave your hand in front of the scanner, the liner rotates around completely, and then you have a clean toilet to sit on.  What will they think of next?)

(Kimmy, Chelsy, Ally, and I having dinner at Bosco's in downtown Little Rock.  It was great to catch up with everyone, but it made me feel so old, and I'm still the baby at 21!  Ally will celebrate her 1 year wedding anniversary in July and she just started teaching 3rd grade at the same elementary school we both went to as children.  Chelsy will start Graduate School at UAMS in Little Rock this Fall for Speech Pathology.  Last but not least, Kimmy is headed to Fayetteville to finish the last two years of Pharmacy School at the North Eastern branch of UAMS.  Life truly is crazy.)

(The girls outside of Bosco's.  Thanks so much for a great dinner yall!)

Until next time...

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Free Day

Since my mom and I were able to find my wonderful condo yesterday, we got to spend today enjoying Milwaukee!  Which, of course, consisted of shopping for the entire day:)  Since I've already packed up everything for the plane ride tomorrow I'll have to post pictures of my new stuff tomorrow.

(After shopping at Crate & Barrel and Pottery Barn, my mom and I stopped to have lunch at The Cheesecake Factory.  I just want to clarify that this is is a lunch portion Cobb salad, and a slim portion sandwich and salad.  There portions here are just ridiculous.)

(When we were driving from shop to shop and all around we passed by this house in a very normal suburban neighborhood with a metal elephant statue in it.  Welcome to Milwaukee?)

(The Holiday Inn Express that Cooper hooked us up with is really cool.  They have a mini water park downstairs with their pool including a slide and waterfall.  And they conveniently added this lovely twin bunk bed onto our room.  I guess we should have brought some more people along for the trip:))

(My beautiful older sister is on her way to a charity ball for the Cincinnati Children's Hospital tonight.
Have fun tonight Jordan!)

We're headed back to Arkansas in the morning.  Back to the real world, with real heat and humidity.

Until next time...

Friday, May 18, 2012


I found it!  I found the perfect apartment in Milwaukee for Wes and I!  All with the help of my lovely mother, Rebecca.  I can't thank her enough for coming along for this trip.  I don't know what I would have done with out her.

After a very overwhelming morning of apartment tours, I had no idea what I was going to do.  My realtor dropped my mom and I off at the car and we headed to the Third Ward to grab some lunch.
(The Third Ward is a super charming neighborhood with great food and lots of shops.)

(We stopped by the Milwaukee Public Market to see if we wanted to grab a bite to eat there...)

(Wisconsin is the cheese capitol of the world!  
I feel like I might be able to out do my 12 days of queso while I'm here.  Uh oh...)

(We ended up eating a place across the street called The Wicked Hop, mainly because they had tables to sit at and our feet were super tired already.)

(Here's a picture of their version of a bloody mary.  Complete with pickled okra, olives, shrimp, and string mozzarella cheese on top!)

We then met the most lovely lady named Laree Allen, of Allen Kitchen and Bath, who was able to show us a condo available in my price range and in the area that I think Wes and I would get the most out of.  Now the current tenant is in the middle of moving, and these photos were taken on my phone, so it really doesn't do the place justice, but it's an AWESOME condo!

(This is the view from the semi-private terrace garden that I share with 3 other condo owners.  My condo is on the 2nd floor, and the lower level is a wine bar, Italian restaurant owned by one of the Brewer's players, a shop, and of course Allen Kitchen and Bath.)

(The wonderful kitchen.  I'm so excited to test out my potential cooking skills!)

(My master bath.  Complete with a 3 person jacuzzi tub, his and her sinks, 
and stand up shower with two shower heads!)

(After the tour we headed back to the Public Market for a little snack.)

(My mom and I at the Milwaukee Public Market.)

After I saw the condo I knew it would be the perfect place for Wes and I to call home for the next year, but there's alway a catch. There was another couple that would be in 
about 3 hours later to tour the same apartment. But thanks to a little southern charm...

(I got it!  Here I am with the lovely Laree, my signed lease, and my deposit.  I
'm so excited for Wes and I!)

Since we were able to find a place today, my mom and I get to spend all day tomorrow exploring Milwaukee.  The adventure continues!!

Until next time...

Ready, Set...

My mother and I left a balmy 86 degree Arkansas, for a cool and breezy 57 degree Chicago on our way to Milwaukee this morning.  Remind me that I should never, ever book a flight for 6:00 in the morning.  At around 8:30am, I felt like it was 5pm.  All in the name of finding the perfect apartment, which I'm starting to think is a mythical creature that only exists on tv.

(Yesterday Livi and I went to eat at US Pizza Company.  Not only was the pizza fabulous, I completely enjoyed spending a 4 hour lunch with an old friend.  It’s amazing how when you see some people there is no need to “catch up,” you just pick up where you left off.  Friendship.)

 (This morning my mom and I were off bright and early on our trip to Milwaukee.  Apparently there are only two flights that go in to Milwaukee everyday.  One which starts the flight process at 6:00am, and the other that starts the process at 7:30pm.
 Just peachy.  I just love waking up at 3:30am:)

(Any A&M students remember this green tag that is still on my carry on bag?  That’s right.  I’m reppin’ Fish Camp for Class of 2012, I seriously need to take this off; but then I wouldn’t be able to find my bag:/)

(So long Windy City…)

(Hello Milwaukee!!  For lunch, my mom and I ate at Miller Park where the Milwaukee Brewer's play.  Such a pretty stadium and a great view for lunch!)

More pictures of my adventures in Milwaukee to come!

Until next time…

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Technical Problems...

So I'm currently having significant trouble uploading pictures of my life right now.  I know you all are super upset.  But I'm in Milwaukee looking for mine and Wes's new apartment.  That's right everyone.  I'm moving in with my boyfriend, and no we aren't married or engaged.  As Livi told me the other day, I am a true "21st century girl".

Until my technical problems are solved...

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Graduation Swag

I forgot how lucrative it can be to graduate school.  After sending out my graduation announcements, my home in Arkansas started to receive gifts out the wazoo, which is totally awesome.  Now I already posted a picture of the quilt that Wes's grandmother made me, and I would post another picture of the inscription but it's already been packed in a box headed for Milwaukee.  

If any of you know me, you know that I love jewelry and wear a ton all the time.  So you'll see that is a pretty common thing among my gifts.   Not pictured is a pair of emerald studs from my grandmother Winnie Sue, and a pair of gold knot earrings with diamond centers from my Aunt Beverly.

(So one of my best friends Gena and I have been playing a little game for the past two years.  She received this lovely wooden hanger when she got her comforter dry cleaned 2 years ago, since then we have been hiding it in each others rooms and closets every so once and awhile.  It's made it through one College Station move, and now found it's way back to Arkansas.  It was the ultimate hide on Gena's part, but I think she might be receiving something in the mail soon:))

(This picture does not do my new Kate Spade briefcase and laptop bag justice.  It's absolutely beautiful black canvas with black leather trim.  Thank you times a million to my sister Jordan!)

(My new white polo hat from my adopted mom, Marcia.  I've been wanting one of these for awhile and have been too lazy to buy one.  Marcia took care of that for me!)

(All of the cards that I've gotten so far.  Thank you so much to everyone who sent me well wishes on my graduation!)

(A silver monogrammed necklace from my Aunt Beverly.  I love it!)

(My gorgeous new gold hoops that my mother an father gave me.)

(Silver and gold hoops, also from my mom and dad!)

(And one of my graduation presents to myself, a Birchbox subscription.)

(My May Birchbox came with a blue sparkle liquid eyeliner from Stilla, Disco Ball polish from Color Block, Keratase hair system samples, and some nifty all over miracle cream.  I've already used the eyeliner and I'm excited to give everything else a try as well!)

Until next time...