Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Driving Miss Rachel

For our last day in Napa Wes and I went out in style.
Wes did his research for this trip and found us a wonderful driver to take 
me and him + two college friends around to some more exclusive wineries.
So. Much. Fun.

(Starting the day off at the private Keever Estate.  Wes and I picked up a bottle of the best chardonnay we'd ever had!)

(Keever's beautiful barrel room.)

(Me, Wes, Angus, and Rachael.)

(Panorama shot.)

(The wine list at our lunch spot!)

(Out on the patio.)

(... But really.)

(Nothing like your own sign to make you feel like a badass.)

(The bottle Wes and I bought "to support the American Heart Association"
Ehler's Estate is the only non-profit winery in Napa!)

(Long day on wineries done and over with.
A BIG thanks to George Stone for the best day of our vacation!)

Oh, and thanks Wes for setting it all up:)

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