Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Weekend Shenanigans

For Wes and I's last week in Milwaukee, we spent the entire time in Michigan.
One of Wes's cousins, Lyndsey, graduated from highschool this year and we went over for her party.
Wes hadn't seen them in years so it was great catching up 
and we got to go on a couple of awesome adventures along the way.

(One more thing off the bucket list.  Riding the ferry to Michigan.
Overall, the ferry is totally NOT worth the money...
But I'm going to chalk this one up to a "once and a lifetime experience.")

(Wes and I at Silver Spring State Park in Michigan.  The sand dunes there were beautiful!
Wes and I were slightly unprepared with our outfits, but it was cool none the less!) 

(Wes and I one the dunes.)

(On the way to the sand dunes a sign for a winery caught my eye.  
Naturally I made Wes stop on the way out and came across this little gem.
Fox Barn Winery.
Home of the asparagus wine.)

(The wine was almost cosmic looking in the bottle.  It was the first day of the release and also the first day of Asparagus Festival.  
Who knew Shelby, MI was one of the premiere asparagus growing areas in the country?)

(Testing it out.  And I have to say it was pretty good... for asparagus wine that is.)

Wes and I drove our car back and took a little break in Chicago to head up to the Sears Tower...

(View from the ledge.)

(Wes and I.)

(These ledge things are really cool.  They were added in well after the building initial construction and 
might be more impressive than the height of the building itself!)

(If you ask Wes, he'll say "it really wasn't as tall as I thought it would be..."
I don't know, it seemed pretty tall to me!)

(And what is a trip to Chicago without deep dish?)

Until next time...

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