Sunday, June 30, 2013

Tallulah Gorge State Park

I have a very aggressive bucket list for our year here in Atlanta, and so far I've wasted no time
getting started.  This weekend I got my friend Joanna to head up to the Tall
ulah Gorge State Park with me and hike the gorge floor to the water falls.  The website said the hike was "strenuous" but also said "no crocs allowed" so we didn't really know what to expect.  
It was probably the hardest hike I've ever done, but beautiful enough that I'd do it again.

(Joanna and I before the hike.
We were selected by our park ranger tour guide to "bring up the rear".)

(Someone who's name I can't remember walked across the gorge on a tightrope 20+ years ago.
The towers that anchored his cable are not standing, but still around.)

(View from the first overlook.)

(View down at one of the many waterfalls that Talulah has to offer.)

(The 1000+ steps it took to get down to the gorge floor.)

(Joanna and I on the suspension bridge.  Dang that thing sways when there's a lot of people on it!)

(Still smiling after all those stairs.)

(Jumping for joy when we got the gorge floor!)

(Joanna being the best assistant park ranger and helping other tour members cross the river.)

(Fall at the bottom of the stairs.)

(Beautiful scenery.)

(Joanna and I made the most of being in the back and made this very nice girl named Amber take our photo about every 10 minutes:))

(More photo shoots.)

(And we made it!  I'm very disappointed that I didn't remember to take any picture of the swimming
 hole and rock water slide that we stopped and had our picnic at.  It was a really cool spot.
I guess that means I'll just have to go back again!)

(Sweaty, tired, and very glad to be done hiking!)

(That's it for my Sunday adventure.  One more thing crossed off the bucket list!)

Until next time...

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