Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Go Trojans!

Two weeks ago Wes and I visited Jessica and Andrew over in Troy, AL for her 23rd birthday weekend.  
Jessica works for the Athletic Department and her birthday also fell on 
the Troy Football Annual fundraising event, "The Draw Down".

(On the way out of town Wes accidentally dropped our keys down the storm drain.
Good one Wes.)

(A very rainy and bleak drive into Alabama.)

(We met Jessica and Riley at Sip's on the Square in downtown Troy.)

(Wes and I at brunch.  Clearly I was a little miss dressed for the weather.)

(Birthday Girl Bartender at the Draw Down.)

(Wes and I at the press box of the Trojan's Stadium.)

(View of the stadium.)

(So the whole premise of The Draw Down is a "reverse raffle".  
The officiant of the night draws out a number every ten seconds or so; 
the goal of the night is to be the last person standing, and the last person standing gets $10,000.  
Imagine mine and Wes's disappointment when our number had already been called when we got there!) 

(Jessica and I at The Draw Down.)

(Jessica as always, barefoot. 
 I guess that's what happens when the event is open bar!)

(Jessica and her boss & wife.)

(Riley and Jessica.)

(Riley, Jessica, and I.)

(The cute couple.)

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