Sunday, August 19, 2012

Most Exciting Week EVER!

This week has been an absolute whirl wind!!  Wes got in on Thursday afternoon and we headed straight up to Green Bay for a pre-season Packers game.  The rest of the weekend was spent with friends, at a car dealership, and on an adventure!

(A stormy night for a game, but it was still awesome.  Thanks Randy for the tickets!!)

(Wes and I on our way up to our seats.)

(The very friendly people in our section were very welcoming to 
Wes and I for our first time at Lambeau Field.  
They were kind enough to take this photo and give us plenty of commentary on the game.)

(Since the game was less than lackluster and I had work bright and early the next day we left before half time.  It took Wes about 4 minutes to fall asleep on the way home.)

(Other exciting news...  WES AND I BOUGHT A CAR!!  We are the new proud owners of this lovely Subaru Forester.  It's our first major joint purchase (besides our condo lease) 
and we couldn't be happier.)

Sunday Wes and I competed in The Amazing Milwaukee Race on Bikes. 
 It started out at the Horny Goat Brewery and literally went all over Milwaukee.  
The entry form said 20 miles, which is no small bike ride in itself; 
but, at the end of the race, they revealed it was actually 26 miles, plus we had to bike there and back, 
so total we biked about 30 miles today.  But...
Team Brew Kids on the Block totally kicked ass.    

(This picture may lead you to believe that we had perfect weather for our race.  That was true for about 2 hours, and then all hell broke loose.  It rained, it hailed, it rained some more.  And then, just when we thought it was over, it poured.  It was ridiculous.  Hail in August?!?  Wisconsin is officially cRaZy.
Wes and I finished the 26+ mile course is 4 hours and 49 minutes and 
learned a lot about Milwaukee along the way!)

I'll post more pictures from the weekend later this week!

Until next time...

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