Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Baked Eggs

Last night I decided to give baked eggs a go.  Now I know I may be late on the train, but it's better late than never, right?  Anyways.  THEY WERE AWESOME.  Wes and I both love eggs of all kinds, and we're definitely adding baked to our favorites list!

(I softened chopped onions, minced garlic, spinach, and sun dried tomatoes to add to the eggs.)

(Turkey sausage, herbs, and eggs.  All ready to go in to the oven!)

(They were wonderful!  The english muffins went perfectly with the meal.  
It's definitely a repeat dinner for us!)

Today Wes and I headed down to the outlet malls to pick up a "congrats on an almost finished kitchen" present for my dad, and of course shop around.  I'll post pictures of my great finds later this week!

(Here's a little look at my cubicle at work.  I had to add some flair to the boring gray fabric walls so I cut these classic triangle pennants out of scrapbook paper and pinned them on the wall.)

Until next time...

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Sunday Funday

This week was full of entertaining, work, shopping, and weekend activities for Wes and I.

(The table was set for Anisha and Ryan to come over for dinner on Tuesday.  They were our first guest to eat on our new chairs with us:))

(Sorry for the blurry photo!  We had baked crispy ranch chicken, grilled eggplant, mushrooms, onions, and quinoa.  It was all of ours first experience with quinoa, and I have to say it was a success!)

Friday night Wes and I went and gorged ourselves at The Cheesecake Factory (why is that place so stinking good??) and watched The Campaign.  It was traditional Will Ferrel and Zack G humor, but they are always SO funny.)

(Saturday morning Wes and I got up and road our bikes up to Shorewood to have brunch at this place we always pass by.  Turns out they don't actually have brunch, 
so we biked back to enjoy an awesome meal at Cafe Hollander. 
 I had eggs benedict (of course) and Wes had Chorizo sausage biscuits and gravy.) 

(On the way back from brunch, we passed one of these hills along the lake side.  They all have a to of running/biking/sledding paths carved in to them.  Wes dared me to go down it, but I told him he had to go first.  This is Wes shortly before he completely face planted.  That solidified my decision that I would not be going down the hill.)

(Tiffany came in town to visit again this weekend and I had her Sarah and Meg over for fajitas and ritas.  After that we all ended up at Bad Genie... again.  I don't know what it is about that place that promotes dance offs, but there always seem to be a lot going on there.  
And no, I did not get in a dance off.)

(After Bad Genie, we took the long walk over to Trinity and stayed there for the rest of the night.  Sometimes I feel like I'm turning into my old roommate Haley, because just after this I placed my Jimmy John's order for the night and went home to get my sandwich.  Haley was always eating Jimmy John's for late night meals, and I've apparently picked up that habit as well.)

(This was the second Sunday in a row that Wes and I spent most of the day in the rain.  We had already reserved a couple of party barges to take out on the river/lake for today, and unfortunately the weather decided not to cooperate.  Good thing we all had great attitudes and made the best out of it anyways!)

(What are the chances of four Aggies living in Milwaukee all at the same time?  And three of them working for Cooper Industries?  And two of them being named Rachel?  Isn't the world small sometimes?) 


(While Wes napped the rest of the stormy afternoon away, I took the opportunity to craft a little.  I got the lamp on the left a lamp a couple of weeks ago; I was inspired by the lamp on the right from Pier One.  Unfortunately the one from Pier One is $125, and the one I snagged at Home Goods was only $30.  So obviously the color is all wrong and everything, but I fixed that...)

(VIOLA! It still needs a few touch ups, but I think it looks pretty good for $1.00 bottle of navy paint a, a little paint brush, and an hours worth of time.  Now I know it doesn't look exactly like the Pier One lamp, but I think it gives off a similar feel!) 

Until next time...

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Most Exciting Week EVER!

This week has been an absolute whirl wind!!  Wes got in on Thursday afternoon and we headed straight up to Green Bay for a pre-season Packers game.  The rest of the weekend was spent with friends, at a car dealership, and on an adventure!

(A stormy night for a game, but it was still awesome.  Thanks Randy for the tickets!!)

(Wes and I on our way up to our seats.)

(The very friendly people in our section were very welcoming to 
Wes and I for our first time at Lambeau Field.  
They were kind enough to take this photo and give us plenty of commentary on the game.)

(Since the game was less than lackluster and I had work bright and early the next day we left before half time.  It took Wes about 4 minutes to fall asleep on the way home.)

(Other exciting news...  WES AND I BOUGHT A CAR!!  We are the new proud owners of this lovely Subaru Forester.  It's our first major joint purchase (besides our condo lease) 
and we couldn't be happier.)

Sunday Wes and I competed in The Amazing Milwaukee Race on Bikes. 
 It started out at the Horny Goat Brewery and literally went all over Milwaukee.  
The entry form said 20 miles, which is no small bike ride in itself; 
but, at the end of the race, they revealed it was actually 26 miles, plus we had to bike there and back, 
so total we biked about 30 miles today.  But...
Team Brew Kids on the Block totally kicked ass.    

(This picture may lead you to believe that we had perfect weather for our race.  That was true for about 2 hours, and then all hell broke loose.  It rained, it hailed, it rained some more.  And then, just when we thought it was over, it poured.  It was ridiculous.  Hail in August?!?  Wisconsin is officially cRaZy.
Wes and I finished the 26+ mile course is 4 hours and 49 minutes and 
learned a lot about Milwaukee along the way!)

I'll post more pictures from the weekend later this week!

Until next time...

Monday, August 13, 2012


This past week was great at work.  And this week has a lot to look forward to.  Wes is coming in on Wednesday night (hopefully!!), Thursday we'll be headed to Greenbay for the Packer's pre-season game against the Cardinals, and this weekend Wes and I will be out on the town and shopping for a new car!!

This weekend I had lunch with one of the new girls, Carin, that just moved in to my building.  She's starting alw school at Marquette in the fall.  We went to Water Buffalo and had a nice little outdoor lunch on the river.  She's totally my speed and is going to be a great dinner companion because she loves food just as much as I do!

Here's a look at the weekend in photos...

(Friday Matt and I met up with Cooper, Sarah, and Meg at the MAC Rooftop for a couple of drinks.  It was freezing up there so I didn't last long.  We hit up the dart board at Coopers and then headed out to Trinity for the rest of the night.)

(Meg, myself, and Sarah out at Trinity.)

(Sunday I treated myself to a trip to TJMAXX.  I actually went to return one top, needless to say I emerged from the store with a few more things!  Like these awesome leopard wedges from Jessica Simpson.  I love her shoes, but these days they are SO high.  This pair is much more manageable and closed toe, a must for Wisconsin.)

(For those of you that don't know, I'm obsessed with leopard print... everything.  I think I got it from my mom.  Anyways, these cute little flats were on clearance, so I couldn't say no!  And believe it or not, I do not own a single pair of leopard shoes... until now:))

(Snagged this great gold key necklace.  Tiffany's knock off anyone?)

(And this cute little silver horseshoe shaped necklace.  I got both of these on clearance.  Let me tell ya, that little red tag at TJMAXX makes me want it so much more.)

Shout out my girls in Delta Zeta at Texas A&M!  They started Spirit Week today and will start Rush a week from today.  Hope everything goes well!!

Until next time...

Monday, August 6, 2012

Weekend Fun

This weekend was great.  It was the perfect mix of friends, relaxing, excitement and exercise. Here's a little recap through photos...

(The blurriest photo ever!  Kate and I out in Bayshore to see The Dark Night Rises.  It was awesome!! You know what else was awesome?  The movie theatre we saw it in.)

(Saturday I went on a Jorts themed bar crawl with a bunch of LP's from Eaton. 
(I'm already bonding)
  Here's Emily and I at Duke's on Water.  Super fun day!)

(My co-worker, Chad, is leaving for Cooper-Bussman this Wednesday.  The treat he picked was a cheesecake.  This will be the last cheesecake I make for a very long time.  
There are a few reasons I don't like to make cheesecake.  
1. Time:  there is so much waiting, and warming, and browning, and cooling and refrigerating. And if you don't time each stage correctly it gets all messed up.  
2. Water Bath: why do I have to bathe a cake?? 
3.  Cream cheese:  I happen to love cream cheese, but this much cream cheese 
should never go in to one small treat.)

(At least it was a hit at work.  I got this recipe from the Cupcakes & Cashmere blog, which if you haven't checked out, you totally should.  I basically make everything she does. Sigh... if only I made as much money doing it!)

But my co-worker Chris told me I should open my own bake shop!! I'll have to fill her in on my plan for my second life (which starts at 36 for those of you who forgot).  

(This is the text I got from Reed today, how exciting.  I'm well represented in Kingwood, TX! 
 Reed has always photographed really well, and then he started dating Taylor, and then I was like whoa.  Have yall checked them out??  
They are such an attractive couple.  See photo below....)

(Like seriously?  Aren't they so cute?  I'm kind of obsessed... obviously.)

On Saturday I went for a run.  The first time I have run in over 6 months.  
I forgot how hard it is to start running.  Ugh.

Until next time...