Thursday, April 11, 2013

Napa Adventures: San Francisco and The Red Woods

Wes and I took the most wonderful vacation this passed weekend to Napa, CA.
Since we did so much and I have about a bajillion photos I'll be sharing them in increments.  
Try not to get too jealous.

(First breakfast of our vacation was this cute little spot.
They had the best fresh squeezed orange juice I've ever had.)

Since the morning was rather drizzly in the city, Wes and I headed south for Big Basin Redwood Park.
What was only about 30 miles away took us almost and hour and a half to get to.
This was half due to the narrow winding road and half due to me making Wes pull the car over for photos ever 15 minutes:)

(These mammoth trees lined the road the entire was out to the park.  
I couldn't imagine them getting any bigger in the park; but, naturally I was wrong. )

(In the picture on the left Wes is pointing to when Columbus first landed in the Americas!
Also, as a height reference Wes is 6'4''. So this was one thick, old tree.)

(As Wes said, "Look, your hair matches the tree!")

(One thing that's hard about traveling as a pair is getting your picture made together.
Good thing we tagged along behind a family and made them take our picture at every point of interest.)

(One thing Wes and I kept commenting on during our entire trip was how green everything was.  
It was absolutely beautiful!)

(Views from below.)

(I'm so glad we decided to take the drive out to see these things,
only in California yall!)

After our adventures with the trees we headed back up into the city for lunch at Scoma's on the bay.
Absolutely delicious seafood.  I highly recommend it if you find yourself out in San Francisco.

(After lunch we took a little walk our on the pier and wandered into a vintage arcade!  
Here's Wes and I in the "magical mirror")

(Wes took me down in the old sock em bopper game.  Go figure.)

(At the recommendation of Roger, we then stopped by Boudin Bakery who claims to be "the original San Francisco sourdough bread". 
Whether they are the original or not, they have excellent bread. 
 And in such fun shapes!!)

(We then took a slow and slanted drive down
"the crookedest street in San Francisco.")

(And with that we were out of the city and on to Napa!)

Wes and I actually spent our stay in the small town of Yountville, which is just North of Napa.
It's a small quaint little town nestled in between wineries and beautiful rolling mountains and everything in the town is within walking distance. 
We spent the first night at the most wonderful hotel/bed and breakfast called 

(After check in and a much needed nap we took the short walk to Ciccio's for pizza.
There crust and sauce was to die for!)

(The restaurant has an "open concept" with no wall dividing the kitchen from the dining room.
The menu each day is hand written and things get crossed out as they are no longer available.
Simple and delicious.)

(Our first drinks in Napa!  No, not wine, but we figured we would be having plenty of that in the coming days (and were we ever right on that).
The high level of mixology was a refreshing surprise in an area so focused on wine, Wes and I continued to take advantage for the remainder of our trip.)

And with all of that we called it a day!
More photos to come of the rest of the trip:)

Until next time...

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