Sunday, November 18, 2012

I'm SO Ready!

I'm so ready for this upcoming week!  Only three days of work, my Mom and Dad arrive on Tuesday night, and then Wes get's here on Wednesday!  
It's an action packed week ahead and I'm SO ready for the holiday festivities! 

(Me and my all-star bowling team; The Slackers.)

(Thanksgiving decorations at work!)

(Printed this banner out online, cut it out, and strung it up on some super sparkley glitter ribbon.)

(Friendsgiving on Thursday night at Emily's place.  We had the YUMMIEST spread!)

Saturday I headed up to Madison with some friends for the Wisconsin vs. Ohio State football game.  It was my first trip to Madison and first Badger/Buckeye game.  

(Popping bottles like champs.)

(Our ridiculously good seats for $20.
We managed to scalp 5 tickets for the game, but they were all in different areas of the stadium.  
With a little bit of savvy and whole lot of confidence we marched ourselves onto the 10th row.)

(Since I hold no loyalty to any sports team except for The Aggies, I decided to side with my future brother-in-law Jim, and cheer for Ohio State.  I saw Brutus and just had to snag a photo.)

 (Panoramic shot of the stadium from our seats.
Thanks new iPhone software, but your Maps still sucks.)

(Although I thought the game was fun, I would not say that Wisconsin has the classiest fans in the country.  Along with these t-shirts that were for sale the student section also chants 
"Eat Shit, Fuck You" back and forth to each other.
Cooper (who went to Auburn) and I were aghast, that sort of action would NEVER happen where we went to school.  Still a good time none the less)

(The crew at the end of the game.  Notice that's the sideline gate we're all leaning on.)

(When I found out the Aggies had BTHO'ed Sam Houston.  
I would also like to go on record and say that 
I have never worn this much clothing to a football game before.)

(Meg and I.)

(The major advantage of football games in the north; 
the ice in your drink doesn't melt before you get to the end of it!)

(Badger Band.)

(The girls at the end of the game.  Isn't Sarah's hat great?!)

Wishing you all a very happy Thanksgiving week!

Until next time...

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