Sunday, September 16, 2012

Working for the Weekend

This work week seemed extra long, and I'm going to blame it one the Packers.  With the game being on Thursday, Thursday felt like Friday, and Friday felt like... idk.  Friday felt like a power outage, which happened for about a hour at work.  I think I'm one of the few people at work that finds a Switchgear and Power Systems company having a power outage completely hilarious... 
I guess it's my immature sense of humor.

(At the recommendation of Laree Allen, Carin and I headed to O'Lydia's to meet John and Rachel to watch the Packer's game.  You really can't beat a 1/2 pound cheeseburger for $2.95!!  
And the Pack WON!  Which made working Friday a LOT easier.)

(TOUCHDOWN SHOTS for the PACKERS!  Whoop!  Too bad we only made it till 9pm at O'Lydia's.  Guess I'm an official Grandma...)

(My craft project for the week was finishing up my burlap A&M football wreath.  I may be one week late on the season, but it's better late than never!  These have been all over Pinterest, so I thought I'd give it a shot.  Two tips:  Don't double up our front piece of burlap.  Burlap is like $4/yard, so why would you waste it on backing?  I used one of Wes's old t-shirts... Oh yeah Wes, I cut up one of your old t-shirts;)  And my second piece of advice is to stuff the burlap with empty grocery sacks instead of polyfill.  Hello, grocery sacks are free!) 

(The finished project!  I think it looks pretty good.  
It's a little off center and what not, but that just adds character, right?)

(Carin and I took a trip out to the Bayview Farmer's Market this Saturday and we were both really impressed.  Everything was super fresh and there was a great variety of produce, meats, cheeses, etc.  I picked up these beautiful flowers and farm fresh eggs!)

(Cupcakes I made for Sarah, Meg, Carin, and I.  Chocolate fudge with carmel pieces, cream cheese icing, and carmel/chocolate pieces on top.  Extra yummy!  Carin and I spent Saturday night at the casino!  I won $250 on the slots, which would have been awesome if I hadn't lost $175 before that.  At least I came out on top!! Can't say the same for Carin:/)

(The brunch I made myself for Sunday.  Leftover red roasted potatoes with eggs and mushrooms.  I ate it on the terrace and enjoyed watching the morning unfold!)

(These were my Sunday Funday Craft Project.  I got the idea from Pinterest, duh.  But they're a Martha Stewart original.  (also why I'm in love with the idea, duh)  Anyways, good ole Martha stated these were a 25-30 minute craft.  She lies.  I made 4 pumpkins in about 3.5 hours.  Hopefully I'll get a little faster because I planned on making a lot of them...)

(Anisha had me over to Ryan's for dinner tonight for some traditional Indian cuisine.  We had rice, and chicken curry, as well as some green yummy potato cheese patties that I didn't know how to spell and forgot to take a photo of... oh well.  It was very yummy and made especially for me and my "mild mouth" what a great friend!!)

(Enter my craft project for this week.  These are a couple of my paper stackers at work.  I have 4 and these are the only two that are the same color... which irks me on a daily basis.  Anyways, I got the go ahead from HR to repaint them or do whatever.  So we'll see what I come up with!)

This week should go by pretty fast.  In two weekends I'll be headed down to Aggieland and can not WAIT to see everyone.  I'll work on growing my pumpkin patch, getting the apartment Fall-y-fied and other random stuff!

Until next time...

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