Saturday, October 6, 2012

It's Been Awhile

So I haven't blogged in some time.  And there's been a LOT going on.  Here's little recap...  
P.S.  The BIG news is at the very bottom.  Go ahead and scroll there now:)

(Carin and I hit up Rustico Pizza for $1 pizza slice night a couple of weeks ago.  I (mistakingly) got two slices.  They were huge.  I ate it all.  It was awesome.  But then I felt awful)

(I joined a bowling league at Cooper for this winter and we picked up last week.  It's the highlight of my Tuesday!

(I took a trip down to Chicago for the Cupcakes and Cashmere book signing by Emily Schuman.  I read her blog pretty much every day and it was great to get to meet her!)

(I also got to catch up with the lovely Kristen Griesbach while in Chicago.  It was nice to see a familiar face and here someone who spoke the same dialect of English that I did.  But, the trip made me very thankful that I do not live in Chicago.  People there are in an angry hurry, and it's too damn windy.)

(A beautiful sunrise on my way to work.  Wisconsin has to be one of the most naturally pretty places that I've ever lived, coming second to Arkansas of course!)

Last weekend Wes and I took a trip down to College Station, TX for the A&M vs. Arkansas game.  It was great to finally see the Aggies BTHO out of the Hogs.  Wes and I have gone to this game for the past 4 years, and this is the first one A&M has won!  We had the second best seats ever in Kyle Field (only trumped by the Texas game last Thanksgiving) and had some great friends to spend the weekend with!

(One of the most exciting things I brought to Texas was Rumchata.  It's a liquor that's only sold in the Midwest and tastes like the milk left over after cinnamon toast crunch.  Needless to say, it was a hit!)

(Brooke, Mara, Kathryn, and I after the game.  We stuck it out through the pouring rain and watched the Aggies give Arkansas the butt whooping they deserved.  

(Something I had never noticed in my 4 years at A&M.  After the game is over (pending we win) the band tackles the Yell Leaders and carries them to the Fish Pond and then the YMCA building.)

(The AWESOME Aggies band.  I had forgotten how great these guys are!!)

(I went to work out this week and there were freshly picked apples from a local orchard.  
Great surprise for the day!!)

(A picture of Jordan and I at around the same age growing up.  We really do look like sisters when you compare these two pictures.  These are hanging up in my cube at work in the spirit of Halloween!)

(This past week marked our Physical Inventory at Cooper.  I was a second shift auditor, and I'm also in charge of 2/3 of the consignment for our plant.  So Thursday I worked the lovely shift of 1pm-1am.  We were so good that we got out early and I left before 12:30am!  But let me tell ya swing/split shift realllllly messes with your sleeping schedule!)

(If yall didn't already know, I love Pinterest.  I got this great stovetop recipe that makes my condo smell exactly like an apple pie.  It's one apple roughly chopped.  Around 3 cups of water.  A teaspoon of cinnamon, allspice, and pumpkin spice.  
A stick of cinnamon and a couple of whole cloves.  It's awesome!)


She's calling me tomorrow with all the details.  All I know right now is...
1.  It happened where her and Jim first kissed.
2.  She was dressed cute. (clutch)
3.  Jim staged Ryan and Amanda as secret photographers during the whole process so there are ample photos of the whole thing. (DOUBLE clutch, way to go Jim!))

Until next time...

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