Sunday, January 26, 2014

Sunday Adventures

Today was my idea of a perfect Sunday.
Wes and I finally watched 42 (which I've been trying to watch for at least 6 months),
got some laundry done, I gave Wes and haircut, we went to Zoo Atlanta, Oakland Cemetery
and had dinner at Six Feet Under.  Whew.  It seems like a lot when I type it out, but it was just right.

(Wes and I made use of some expired Zoo Atlanta tickets and made a quick trip to see the animals.)

(Flamingos!  Visiting the zoo always makes me wish I had a bunch of land and Wes and I 
could keep peacocks, and tortoises, and all kinds of other crazy animals.)

(This pretty kitty was such a camera ham.  He paced back and forth in front of the window at least 10 times.  
Obviously I still never got the perfect shot, it was great none the less.
It's amazing I was just a few inches of plexiglass away from such a powerful animal.)

(The Atlanta Zoo just had panda babies!  Although they were asleep the whole time we 
were there and I only got to see these two little booties, they were still so cute!)

(Momma Panda looking in on the babies.  Or checking her reflection out.  One of the two.)

(A Kimono Dragon just hanging out on a tree branch.)

(By far the most disgusting exhibit at the zoo.
Have yall ever seen a real naked mole rat?  They're so gross!!
I can honestly say I never need to see another one ever again for the rest of my life.)

(Wes and I hanging out with all the monkeys.)

(Me and big Willie B., the big gorilla ambassador of Atlanta.)

(Playing baby bird in the living tree house.)

(Red rhino.  Wes and I didn't get to the park until pretty late and were finishing up
the last exhibit when it was time for the animals to be brought inside for the night.
It was pretty crazy.  The bears, zebras, lions, monkeys, pretty much every animal
was clawing at their door or waiting patiently by their door to head in for the night.
I guess every animal is pretty much a creature of habit.)

(I never knew my family sponsored the Atlanta Zoo;))

After we finished up at the zoo, Wes and I headed over to the Oakland Cemetery for a sunset walk.
I mean, what's more romantic than walking through graveyards at dusk?  Haha.

(We only walked through a small portion of the cemetery since we were a little cold and a lot of hungry.  
But it is a truly beautiful area.  The stone work is absolutely amazing.)

(It's crazy how different modern cemeteries are to historic ones.
I much prefer the historic.)

(The visitors center was closed, but Wes and I must have been in the Confederate area of the cemetery.
There were rows upon rows of modest headstones like this, as well as tons of large statues like the lion above for the lost.)

(Another large statue in honor of fallen confederate soldiers.)

More shots from the afternoon...

(I think this was my best photo from the afternoon.  
But when something is so beautiful, it looks good no matter what.)

(After out stroll Wes and I headed across the street to Six Feet Under.
A pub style restaurant with wonderful seafood.
Wes went with the classic fish and chips and I had a wonderful spinach salad and bowl of seafood gumbo.)

Now we're back at home enjoying the Grammy's and doing more laundry.
A successful day in the books.

Until next time...

Atlanta Winter Beer Fest 2014

This weekend Wes and I kicked headed over to The Masquerade for the Atlanta Winer Beer Festival.  
It was totally awesome.  $40 for 5 hours of unlimited craft beer drinking.

(Lynn and I in "Purgatory".  The Masquerade is set up as a tri-level event center
with a Heaven, Purgatory, Hell, and lots of outdoor space.)

(One of Wes and I's favorite parts about the fest was discovering the best pretzels either of us have ever had.  
You'll see Wes is wearing a pretzel necklace and I am wearing the remainder of
the bag around my neck.  They were a delicious snack for the day!)

(Party in Hell.)

(Disco balls during the day time?  Yes please.)

(Party time with Lynn.  Heyyyy.)

We spent the remainder of Saturday in recovery mode followed by
and intense game night over at Don & Cynthia's.  Wes is still bitter...

Until next time...

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Georgia Aquarium

After the week in the mountains my parents decided to spend the rest of the 
weekend visiting me in Atlanta.  My dad had never seen my place before and my mom hadn't
been for a visit since our summer trip to Savannah.  We made good use out of mine and Wes's
Georgia Aquarium passes on Sunday!

(My mom hanging out with the sea anemones and sea urchins.)

(The huge chinese crabs.  They get to be as big as cars!!)

(My parents in front of the huge glass viewing tank.) 

(The jellyfish tank.  One of my favorite tanks in the whole aquarium.)

(Turtle power!)

(I'm sure the picture would have looked a lot cooler if we had paid the $12.95 to have 
whatever is supposed to show on the green screen pop up.)

(My parents out by the Christmas tree!)

We spent the rest of our time together watching American Hustle, eating fabulous food, and relaxing.
I hope they're able to make another trip down before Wes and I move again!

Until next time...  

Christmas in the Mountains Part IV

Although delayed, I'm finally getting around to putting up the last of the Christmas
Vacation pictures.  Here's our outing to Amicalola State Park.

(The family clan at the top of the mountain.)

(Beautiful view from the top of the falls.  
You can see why they call them the Blue Ridge Mountains!)

(Jim & Jordan)

(The family at the bottom of the falls.)

(These two cuties again!)

We had a fabulous time in the mountains, and one week definitely wasn't long enough of a break.
Can't wait till we're all back together again!!

Until next time...