Monday, December 3, 2012

Family Visit Round Two

My Aunt Beverly and Uncle Kenny, and their two good friends Pete and Connie came up this past Thursday for the Packers vs. Vikings game.  Pete is a big time Packers fan so I had to bust out all the stops!

(First stop of the night, The Milwaukee Brat House.  This cheesy monster was mighty good!
There's nothing more Milwaukee-ian than brats and beer!)

(The next day the gang went to tour the Harley Museum while I was at training.  I met them up at lunch time in the Motor Bar for some of their delicious macaroni and cheese.)

(Saturday morning we headed to the Lakefront Brewery bright and early at 10:30am for our tour!)

(Me and Beverly; up and drinking bright and early!)

(The gang in front of the Lakefront Brewery Mug!)

(Beverly and Pete were selected to be the Laverne and Shirley of our tour group!)

Sunday morning we got up bright and early to start our trek to Green Bay.  
There's nothing like tailgating before noon!

(Here's Pete the Green Bay Wigwom.  He said in the car on the way up to Green Bay
"I haven't been this excited since I saw a girl naked for the first time, and that's when I was 12.  
I was nervous I was excited, I didn't know what the hell to do."
Definitely the funniest quote of the weekend.)

(Pete, myself, and UK at Kroll's West in Green Bay.  
Waiting in line to get our cheese curds, brats, and beer!)

(Some avid Packers fans and their awesome cheese hats!)

(Uncle Kenny and I at Kroll's West!)

(Our sweet ride up to the game...
Nothing classier than a Ford F350 stretch truck limo thing.)

(Game time!)

(Love them!! So glad that got to visit!!!)

And now, the best picture of the weekend...

(If any of you know my Uncle Kenny, you know that this picture is amazingly awesome. 
It also further proves my thoughts that I can get him to anything for me, even hold my pom poms.)

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