Sunday, June 23, 2013

Working 9 to 5... Errr.

My new work schedule is not for the faint of heart.  It's a 45 minute drive in, and my first meeting is at 6am.  Overtime starts at 4am.  It's definitely going to take some getting used to!!

(My new alarm vs. my old alarm.  Ouch.)

(My preliminary Atlanta Bucket List... more on this one to follow)

(I'm one of Kathryn's bridesmaids!!! I am so thoroughly excited.
I know she's going to be a beautiful bride and I can't wait for all the fun we'll have with the wedding preparations and everything.  I've started working out now, because it's going to take me a whole year to get in shape for those pictures (that's what really counts right?!))

(Wes and I also attended our very first Braves game courtesy of Joanna.
We had a blast, even though you can see from the tarp there was a bit of a weather delay.
We bailed at 9pm for the 7pm game that hadn't started yet.
The Braves ended up taking the field at 11pm and hit a walk off home run in the bottom of the 9th to win it.  Next time!!)

(My new work companions.  Cute Maybook + Walkie Talkie.  Over and Out.)

Until next time...

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