Sunday, March 23, 2014

The Happiest Place on Earth...

So Wes got a promotion as work.  And as a result, he stood me up on my
dream Disney vacation.  But that's okay, I had a blast anyways!

We spent our first day at the race convention and at Animal Kingdom.
Disney World is literally the best place ever.  Awesome customer service, awesome food,
the friendliest staff ever, all around just awesome.

(Our picture in front of the entrance to Animal Kingdom.
I forgot to check my camera settings before I asked someone to snap this one...)

(The Tree of Life.)

(Disney has it down.  The details are just over the top awesome.)

(Me and the wonderful couple.Meg and Dan were such awesome travel companions 
and it was awesome to see them with such wonderful weather.  I know they were ecstatic to escape
from the frigid weather in Milwaukee.)

(Momma and baby giraffe.
There is no zoom on this photo yall, how awesome.)

(And a rhino!  Such and incredible ride.)

(And upside down tree.)

(Meg and I on the ride.  Don't you just love my Minnie ears?
They were by far my best purchase at Disney.)

(Of course it started raining our first day; but, that turned out in our favor.
The lines were nonexistent.  The rain wasn't that bad.  And we aren't witches so we didn't melt.)

(The holding room for the Dino-SOAR ride.
As you can see, we literally had the place to ourselves.  
The ride was a little hoak-y, but considering we waited in line for zero minutes,
it was all good.) 

(Our first character photo!)

(That night we headed into EPCOT for our pre race Pasta in the Park dinner.
Here's me by the super huge golf ball.)

(One thing that I love about Disney was that their staff was so accommodating.
All of them were willing, and skilled, at taking pictures and did so without giving you
any eye rolls, sighs, or other signs of annoyances that come from the usual theme park employees.
But then again, Disney is no normal theme park.)

 After dinner we decided to hit the hay early in preparation for waking up
at 4am for the race!

Until next time...

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