Sunday, February 2, 2014

Icepocalypse 2014

The extremely unlikely happened last week.  A snow and ice storm hit Atlanta.
Wes and I could hardly believe it.  After spending a year in Wisconsin without a single weather related day off of work.
I get two days off of work while living in Atlanta.  These dang Polar Vortexes...

(At noon on Tuesday the snow really started coming down.  
I was at a recruiting event at Georgia Tech and after they closed the campus I sat in traffic for 2 hours
trying to go through the measly 6 blocks to our apartment.)

(I finally made it home, helped Wes put together a pot of soup in the crockpot, and then
geared up for a walk through the Piedmont Park.)

(To my honest surprise the snow was actually sticking.  And it was slick as all get out.
The most disappointing part about it all was that Wes and I left all of our snow related gear in
storage in Arkansas, so we, like the rest of Atlanta, were completely unprepared.)

(Rachel:  I dare you to lick the flag pole.
Wes: Hahaha. You're silly.)

(Wes proceeds to "pretend" lick the flag pole.)

(Wes get's a little too close and says bad words.)

(The park was actually more crowded than on a beautiful sunny day.
Kids and adults all crowded on the biggest hill in the park with all kinds of sledding materials.
We saw everything from inflatable rafts and boogie boards, to stop signs and snow boards.)

(Me & the City of Atlanta.  
And a lot of snow orbs.)

(When we first headed out into the snow, Wes said he had to run back into the apartment to get something.
He came back empty handed, which I obviously found suspicious.  
When we got back inside he showed me what he had gone back to get...)

(And asked me to marry him!
The scene played out like this...
Wes:  Will you marry me?
Rachel:  Are you serious?
Wes:  <chuckles> Yes.
Rachel: Of course.
We kiss and live happily ever after.)

We spent the rest of the night eating tomato basil soup, baking banana bread, and watching Modern Family.
It's still very surreal to me.
No, we do not have a date. And no, we do not have any other plans.
It took us 5 years to get this far, so we're in no real rush I don't think;)

Until next time...

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